Monday, November 30, 2009

Branson, Mo for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was wonderful this year! Like always, I stuffed myself until I couldn't breathe, and then stuffed myself again. It is actually a trend that has been ongoing all weekend. I really need to make it stop. After the turkey was over though, I had to come home and pack. Do you know how hard it is to pack for a family of 6, even when you are just going for one night? I was exhausted. Anyway, I was packing for our fun filled Branson trip that was ahead of us. I myself and the kids were very excited, but as for my husband, well let's just say that he has never felt the love for Branson.

Friday morning arrived and we loaded the bus. Yes, I did say bus. My entire family was going; aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas and grandpas, and so on. Lucky for us, my father-in-law owns the charter buses, so we have them at hand when needed. We loaded up and off we went. For me, the ride to Branson gets longer every year. I don't know why that happens, but it's true.

Branson was as much fun as I expected, and guess what, my husband even enjoyed himself, especially after I dragged him onto the barn swing. After that there was no getting him off. The kids had fun too, even though the hoppy frogs won once again. One of these days my children will not be crying when they get off the frogs. I guess it was a step up from last year, they didn't have to stop the ride just to let us As the night came upon us, the lights were as beautiful as ever. The parade was wonderful and we even saw Santa! It was a great day, but we had to get back to the hotel to rest. The next day would bring even more excitement.

The next day was a surprise to us all. My mother-in-law had a show lined up for us, but she wouldn't tell anyone which show it was. As we drove to the destination, everyone was on the edge of their seats awaiting the great surprise. Then, I saw one of the most beautiful buildings in Branson: The Sights and Sounds Theatre. I was so excited, we were going to see the Christmas Story. The show was amazing! I would tell anyone who has not been there, it is something that needs to be seen. I can't wait to go back to see the Noah show. After the show, we all decided to go to the Branson Landing. I finally started on a few Christmas presents, but need many many more. We made our way through the lights on The Sheppard of the Hills and back home we went.

I would have to say that our Branson trip was a success this year. There are always so many new surprises. I hope that everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Air Travel Survival Guide

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I found this at abc news. Since the holidays are upon us, I wanted to blog about just that, the holidays. What better thing to talk about then air travel tips, especially since most people go to see family for Thanksgiving. This article was all about tips to making your trip run much smoother.

The first tip was to round up all the necessities one week before departure. This makes perfect since. Like they stated in the article, you don't want to find out that the zipper on your suitcase is broken the night before you leave.
The next tip was for 48 hours before departure: make sure you and your loved ones have a phone. You don't want someone to be waiting for you at the airport, when your flight was delayed for an hour. I also liked the fact that they said to program the airline's number in your phone. You might just need to make that call.
Next was 24 hours before departure. This came with 5 steps. Step 1 is to print out your boarding pass. I didn't know this but, usually the first ones to print their boarding pass are the ones who get the best seats. Step 2 is to charge all electronics. Step 3 is to have food and entertainment ready. They gave the idea to pack your lunch, that way you don't have to spend a huge amount on the outrageous airline food. Step 4 is to pack and use a carry on. Step 5 is to print out maps of departure and connecting airports and study them. This will help to save you time when you get there.
Now for the night before departure. Make sure you lay out wear on plane clothes, boarding pass, reading material, etc. Also, make your transportation arrangements to get to the airport. Always leave early in case of delays. You want to be at the airport at least an hour before your flight leaves.
Finally, the departure day. You should be completely prepared if you followed the above steps. If there are delays, just sit back and enjoy. All of your work is done.

I hope that this helps anyone who is planning on traveling for Thanksgiving, or any holiday for that matter. I am not a big traveler. I have only been on a plane 3 times in my life. One of them included a joy ride, another for skydiving, so actually I have only been 1 time to actually travel, and I wish that I could have had these steps to follow. I was not ready for what was ahead of me. I think that this article layed them out pretty easy. If they are followed it should be smooth sailing from there. I think that the most interesting thing I learned from this article was that by printing off your boarding pass first, you got a better seat. That would have been nice to know.

Again, I hope this helps all of you travelers, and have a Happy Turkey Day!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gift Cards

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I found this article at fox news.

Christmas time is just around the corner, and everyone is getting ready for the season of giving. The stores have even started a little earlier this year, but that is a whole other story. What we want to know is what kind of gifts will be given? There are the food baskets, the slippers and pajamas, new technical devices, and so on. One of my favorite gifts to give, and to receive, is the gift card. You know that it is a win win situation, or is it?

According to this article, The Federal Reserve is coming up with a new set of rules that will protect gift card users. My question was, for what reason does a gift card user need protected? Then it hit me, that little fine print that says you only have a certain amount of time to use your card before it expires or loses its value. Sure enough, as I read on, this is exactly what the Federal Reserve is trying to protect against. So, starting August 22, 2010, one of the rules that is being proposed is the card will keep its value for up to 5 years. Like stated in the article, this will help those who want to save up for a big purchase item. It sounds like a good idea to me. Also, fees that are usually in the fine print will not become active until 1 year after the card has been inactive. These rules will apply to all types of stores; big and small names.

Since the gift card is one of my favorite gifts, I thought that this was a marvelous idea. There have been times when I would like to save a card to use at a more convenient time, but couldn't because it would have expired. I also think that it helps relieve some of the stress on the person who is buying the gift card. It eases their mind, knowing that the person they are giving it to will be able to get something that they actually want or need. Since these rules do not become active until next year, this holiday season will not gain the benefits, but there is not too much more time to wait. I know I am looking forward to the exciting new change!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Smart Traffic Lights

I found this at fox news.

Have you ever wondered why it seems like every traffic light in the world turns red just as you approach it? I know I feel like I constantly sit at red lights. Well, according to this article, it is because the U.S. hasn't caught up with the times. It states that we are about 40 years behind on the traffic light. That is very outdated. In that case, is there anything we can do to fix it?

I had no idea that we were this far behind, let alone that there were smart traffic lights. I was ready to find out what these smart lights consisted of, and how much more effective they could be.

New technology has developed, such as start-stop systems, which shut off the engine when sitting in still traffic, and hybrid systems that increase fuel efficiency. These are only a few things that have been done, but what can be done with the traffic lights? BMW's Traffic Technology and Traffic Management group say that even some of the smart traffic lights have one or two loop detectors that can average speeds, number of cars, etc. In the U.S., there is almost nothing like that. This group of people have set up testing sights using green waves. This is a minimum of four signals in sequence that can eb synchronized for better traffic flow. In doing this, they were actually able to double a cars fuel efficiency from 22 mpg to 42 mpg. That would help tremendously for the way that most of the traffic is traveled these days.

I think that it is time for us to step up the improvement of our traffic light system, and according to the BMW traffic management, so do they. They have met with U.S. Dot officials and urged them to make changes. They have also offered to give them insight on their green waves studies. I think that this is a great idea. We have got to start coming up with more ways to help save on the fuel efficiency. I also believe that this could help with traffic congestion. If they can come up with a way that I don't have to sit at a red light when I don't have to, more power to them.

I am still here

No, I haven't fallen off the face of earth, I just got a little behind in my blogs. So, on that note, let's get started again!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Elderly Man Fights Attacker With Soda

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I found this at abc news. This story is a little different than usual, but I found it interesting. Pat Gillespie is 77 years old. He came home from the grocery store one afternoon and started to empty his trunk, when an assaulter came and pointed a gun to him. The assaulter told him to empty his pockets, but Pat refused. Instead, he tried to attack his assaulter with a 2 liter Pepsi bottle. He hit him a few times before he was shot in the groin. After being shot, he hit the man one more time, and the robber ran off. Then Pat went inside and finally called his neighbor.

My initial reaction was that this man is insane for trying to fight off someone that had a gun, with only a 2 liter bottle. He stated in the clip that it was just instinct. He didn't want someone taking what belonged to him. He also stated that he would have kept going if he would not have tripped. This makes me wonder what a person's body goes through in cases like this. I initially think that I would have given this man whatever he wanted to try and save my life, but not in Pat's case. He said instinct led him to attack, even though the assaulter held a gun on him. So, does instinct and adrenaline take over? I find this very interesting. I was happy to see that Pat turned out just fine, other than a limp that he obtained from the gun shot, but what about next time. Will the next victim be so lucky? I guess my question is, what would you do in a situation like this? Give in or fight back....?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dead Daughter Gives Dad Life

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I found this at abc news. Lester Peterson needed surgery on his heart. He had made plans to have it done. His daughter, Dawn, was a teacher in Texas, and was recovering from a torn achilles tendon, so she was going to come back to Iowa to help her father. Sadly, Dawn never made it to him. A blood clot formed in her injury and traveled to her heart and caused it to stop beating. Doctors finally got her heart to start beating again, but the lack of oxygen to her brain caused it to stop functioning. Her parents began to fill out papers to donate her organs, and suddenly her father had an idea. He wanted to use her heart to help replace his. He said that it was a way that his daughter could still be with him, but his doctor did not want to do it. This kind of surgery would be far more dangerous than just using a standard valve. After he thought about it, the doctor decided that it was an option and they could try it.

I found this to be an incredible story. In my opinion, the loss of a child would be the hardest thing to face in life. It was not any different in this case, other than the fact that this child could help her father live on. I can understand the reason this father wanted to use his daughter's heart instead of the standard valve, even though the risks were high. According to the doctor, he would have to make 4 large incisions instead of 1 small incision. This could cause potential for more leaking. Before this could even get started, the doctor would have to make sure Dawn's valve was the correct size for her father. This can only be confirmed after Lester was already on the operating table. I can see myself wanting the same thing if I were in his shoes. I would feel that something good came out of my daughter's death, just like Lester and his wife stated as they were going through the organ doner process.

I think that it is different how some things work out sometimes. I am sure that the family probably wishes that it could have been different, but you can't look back. You can only look forward.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shrink to Survive? City Downsizes

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I found this at abc news. Flint, Michigan was once a thriving community when General Motors helped hold a strong work force, but then GM made tens of thousands of job cuts since the automaker industry declined. This put Flint at the population of 115,000 instead of it's 200,000 before. The county treasurer, Dan Kildee, got an idea. There are about 10,000 vacant homes in Flint. More than 84,000 people have left, and they didn't take their houses with them, Kildee stated. He wants to tear down about 6,000 of these homes to get rid of competition, and bring Flint back to a thriving community. In place of the loss of homes, Kildee wants to eventually turn it over to open land or forests that can help later on.

When I first started reading this article, I thought this guy had a great idea. He was trying to help his community get back to where they used to be. He was taking something that had gone wrong and making it right.

This was not Rush Limbaugh's thoughts at all. He thought that downsizing a city was un American. He thought that it was unheard of. He later stated, if they are going to tear down 40% of this city, why not tear down the whole thing. I listen to Rush and agree with a lot of issues, but I would have to disagree with this one. The mayor of Flint, Dayne Walling, says that the downsizing of these homes to match their current population is not an attempt to push people out. He emphasizes new construction homes on larger lots. They would also like to pay people to relocate when money is in the budget. I think that this community is looking at the bigger picture, and is trying to do what is best for their community. I don't think that it should be looked at as un American. They are pushing through what was a bad time, and trying to make it better. It's not like they are tearing down houses that could easily be fixed. They can not be lived in. A lot of them were just the shell of what used to be a home.

Overall, I completely agree with what this community is trying to do. They are trying to rebuild and start new. I am always for someone trying to work with what they have to make it better. If that means tear down old, abandoned houses, then so be it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hawaii's Budget Cut: No School Fridays

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I found this at abc news. Hawaii has been facing a budget crisis and is trying to fix it by only having school 4 days a week. Instead of cutting some teachers and increasing class sizes, they will be out of school on Fridays. This raises a lot of concern, since Hawaii is ranked one of the lowest on test scores. It also concerns many parents that have to stay home on Fridays now and play teacher. Is this the best way to help Hawaii and its budget crisis?

My first reaction was they are crazy. I think that the students are being cheated just to help save some of the teachers jobs. A child has to have a good education, and shortening the week is not going to help this at all. I think that it will only let them fall even farther behind than they already are.

As stated in the video, the US is already in school a lot less than many other countries at 180 days. Now Hawaii will only be in session for 163 days, compared to Japan that goes to school 243 days. I don't think that the school year needs to be increased any more, but I definitely don't think that it needs to be shortened. One parent stated that they feel there kids are losing out on their education for the sake of the teachers. I think that this will lead them to fall even farther behind. The entire nation is in a crisis, and there are many things that are being done to try to fix it. I just feel that this isn't the best solution for the problem.

Friday, October 23, 2009

$2 Painting Might be a Picasso

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I found this at abc news. After her neighbor passed away, Parker helped out his relatives by taking some of his belongings, so they wouldn't have to take them back with them. She held a garage sale and sold one of the paintings he had for $2. The lady that bought the painting was about ready to hang it on her wall, when she realized there was writing on the corner of it. It read, Pablo Picasso. She couldn't believe it. She called the FBI because she thought that it might have been stolen, but after investigation they found that it was not on the list. It is now being looked at to confirm if the painting is a fake or not. Parker is overwhelmed, and wonders what would have happened if she would have just kept it.

Can you imagine having a Picasso painting and then selling it for $2? I would be kicking myself all over the place. It still has not been confirmed if the painting is real. As for the lady that now has possession of the painting, she says that if it is a real Picasso painting she will be selling it for sure. Honestly, I don't blame her. She bought it for $2 and might be selling it for plenty more. Ironic things happen all of the time. According to the article, the man that passed away was an art collector. First, his family had the painting, but didn't want to hall it back home. Then, his friendly neighbor offered to help, by holding a garage sale after they left. The painting was then hers. She realized the painting had Picasso's name on it, but the family said that it was probably a fake, so she sold it. Now it's in possession of another person that will be very lucky if it turns out that this is a genuine Picasso painting. It's a little crazy how things turn out sometimes.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Florida Boy Set On Fire

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I found this at abc news. Michael Brewer, a 15 year old boy, was set on fire by a group of 15 year olds and one 13 year old after they say he owed them $40 for a video game. The group of boys tried stealing a bike from Michael the day before and he reported them to the police. The group of boys were mad that he reported them, so they poured rubbing alcohol on him and lit him with a lighter. Michael is in critical condition with burns that cover over 65% of his body. Doctors say that it is going to be a long recovery. The boys were arrested and are now waiting trial. They are debating on whether or not the 15 year olds should be charged as adults.

I find this to be very disturbing. I can't believe that children would take something like this that far. As the mother stated in the article, we have to get control of our children. They are getting more violent every day.

I think that the boys should be charged as adults. The officer stated that the boys were laughing about what they did when they were being questioned. They showed no remorse. He said that only one boy acted as if he was truly sorry for what he did, and realized that it was wrong. I can't believe that they could be so cruel, and it was over money for a video game.

Michael is going to have a long recovery. He will have to go through major surgeries just to repair his burnt skin, and he will always have the scars that will remind him of what happened that day. Not to mention the kidney and lung failure that could happen in the weeks to come, from his body trying to fight all the damage. My heart goes out to this boy and his family. I wish him the best recovery possible. As for the group of boys that set him on fire, I hope that they get a fair trial that sentences them for what they deserve.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boy Hidden In Wall

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I found this at abc news. Ricky Chekevdia was found after been missing for 2 years. A fight between custody battle, which ended in favor of Ricky's father, led Ricky's mother to flee and hide with him at her mother's house. He has been there all along. A tip from a witness said that they were hiding him, so the police went in to search. They found Ricky, with his mother, in a crawl space behind the wall. Ricky's mother and grandmother claim that his father sexually abused Ricky, so they had to hide him. There was no evidence of this. Ricky is in a safe place now, not yet with his father. Child welfare workers are making sure that everything is alright before he can see him again.

My first reaction is how can someone keep a child from being seen for 2 years. After reading the article I found out that there were several secret cutouts and passageways in the house. They say that he didn't live in these, they were just there if they needed to hide him. I also wondered if the claims on the father of sexually abusing him were true. He was never made take a polygraph test, and refuses to take one now. He says there is no need since he was already aquited of the charges. My feelings are who cares. If you didn't do it then prove it. I hate that this boy has had to take on so much at a young age, and I also hope that he ends up in a loving family, which he deserves.

There are so many what ifs in this story, that it is hard to take sides with anybody. The mother was wrong for abducting her son when she found out that the father had custody, but if the accusations are true about his father, I would want my son as far away as possible also. There is also no way that a child should be locked in a house forever. The neighbors say that there was no sign of him being there, so he couldn't had been let outside much, if at all. I also don't agree with the father not taking the polygraph test. I think that it is best for everyone to know the truth. The only person I have to agree with in this story is Ricky. He is a very bright and courageous little boy. I wish him the best of wishes.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6 Year Old Boy Faces Reform Shool

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I found this at abc news. Zachary Christie, a 6 year old boy was suspended for 45 days and is wanted to go to reform school. He brought a camping tool to school, which had a knife on it, and the school administration deemed him to be in violation of their zero tolerance weapon policy. His parents feel that the action was too harsh. They stated that he was just excited about a new tool his parents bought him for his camping trips with the Cub Scouts, and he wanted to bring it to school to show it off. They think that the rules need to be adjusted for certain ages. Zachary's parents are fighting the board on this ruling.

As much as I feel for these parents, I have to agree with the school on most of the ruling. If a school has a policy, they have to follow through with the actions if a student breaks that policy, or there will always be someone saying that it is not fair that their child got this punishment because he didn't. I do think that the age and the child has to be taken into consideration though. Zachary loved school, and was a great student. It even states in the article that it seemed like the principle did not want to call his mother because he knew that the student meant no harm. I think that the ruling of Zachary having to go to reform school is overboard. I feel that suspension is enough for him to understand what he did was against the rules.

I have a 5 almost 6 year old in kindergarten right now, and I know that if this was me I would be upset at the fact they wanted my child to go to reform school. I could understand their policy for zero tolerance, and that it would be up to the parents partially for not telling the child not to bring stuff like this to school. I always check to see what my daughter is bringing to school is appropriate. I could also see the school adjusting their policy for certain ages of children now that this has happened. There is a big difference in a 6 year old and a 12 year old.

I do feel sorry that this had to happen to a good student and family, but they have to realize that a school has to follow through with their policies. Again, I disagree with the reform school, since this was nothing but a young child bringing what he thought was a cool toy to school. I do agree with having to suspend him for his actions, but look into another way of doing things in the future for certain ages of children. Hopefully this incident gets resolved in a good, clean fashion. Best wishes to everyone involved.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blind 7 -Year-Old Boy Sees With His Ears

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I found this story at abc news. Lucas Murray was born without sight. His parents thought that he would never be able to be mobile on his own. They thought he would need a dog or someone with him at all times, but not now. He uses a technique called echolocation. By clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he can listen to the way it echoes off his surroundings and can tell where he is. Sounds crazy, I know, but it is working for him and others that use this technique. Daniel Kish has used this since childhood, and is now teaching it to others like Lucas. Lucas' parents say that he loves to go places now, like the supermarket. He likes to explore on his own.

I found this story completely amazing. I can't imagine what it might be like to not be able to see the world around me. To be able to open up and master this technique is incredible. Lucas will have so many more opportunities in his life because of what he has learned.

Like I explained before, echolocation is the process of clicking your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and listening to the echoes bounce back from the objects surrounding you. But how does it really work? Daniel explains that you have to teach the brain to image using non-visual information. The brains of blind people have the visual cortex just like a person who is not blind, and it can image data from other senses, such as hearing. He explains that some people who have mastered the echolocation technique can listen to their echoes , and sketch an entire scene. I found this amazing. Even though you would think that people would see this as a wonderful thing, some think that it causes a negative distinction. People don't see blindness as normal, so when someone who is blind is clicking their tongue all the time, they think that it would call negative attention to themselves. I would have to disagree. I think that we have come a long way with how we look at people who may have a disability. Sure there is always room for improvement, but it is better. I think that this technique opens many new and improved ways to live for a person with blindness.

I think that this little boy has an incredible story. He was able to overcome his fear of being left alone with no one to help him, and is now going places his family never thought possible. There will be many more opportunities in his future. Good luck and best wishes!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tragic Medication Errors Result in Accidental Abortions and Premature Birth

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I found this at abc news. Have you ever worried that the medicine that is given to you in the hospital is the wrong thing that could actually hurt you? That is exactly what happened in a hospital in Florida. Two pregnant women were given the wrong prescriptions. It caused the first to lose her unborn twins, and the second to deliver prematurely, which caused severe brain damage to the baby. The accident was described by the hospital as "an unfortunate error that occurred despite the safeguards we have in place." - St. Mary's Medical Center

There are always chances of mistake when it comes to prescriptions. It is in our human nature to make mistakes, but I also believe that it is the duty of the hospital staff to make sure what they are giving the patient is correct. I am a little torn between this argument.

Like I stated earlier, we are always going to make mistakes. It is inevitable. I think that there are a lot of ways that these kind of mistakes can be prevented though. The article stated that most doctor's handwriting is unreadable, which I believe is very true. A lot of medicines sound and are even spelled almost the same. I think that a prescription should be very well written so that it is not mistaken for another. I also believe that a nurse needs to know what the medicine she is giving to her patient is supposed to do. If they don't know, ask. There are never any dumb questions, especially when someones life is in your hands. The medicine given to these two women in the story was specifically used for inducing labor when a miscarriage has occurred. The women were on bed rest so that they could stop labor, not induce it. I think that this was a very unfortunate mistake, and I feel for the families that were involved. I still think that everyone makes mistakes, but when you are in this line of work you have to be extra careful of the mistakes that will come your way. This is just an example of the many cases that happen like this every year. Hopefully there will be more precautions taken to help stop the little mistakes that make a huge impact.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Should We Let The Pandas Die?

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I found this article at abc news. As the article states, pandas are cute and cuddly. One Britain nature host is wondering if we should work so hard at keeping them alive though. He states that their environment is shrinking and that we should spend the millions of dollars that we spend on them some other way.

When I first read this article I couldn't believe what I was reading. Someone actually wants to just let the most rare species of bear die off. His argument about eventually having to make some hard decisions due to our growing society does make some since, but I don't think that I agree with letting this species just die off yet.

As stated in the article, senior curator, Brandie Smith says that the reason their habitat is being taken over is because of us. Now it is up to us to help them. I would have to agree with her. They state that it is expensive to keep pandas going, but they also say that the pandas pay for themselves when it comes to tourists. If this is so, I find it hard to say that we should let them just die off. Again, they are the most rare species of bear. Doesn't that account for something? I think that as of right now it is perfectly fine to keep doing what we are doing. Sure we might have to make some hard decisions later on, but lets do that when the time gets here. Who knows, by then this might not even be an issue. I know I would feel bad if an animal was let go extinct that didn't have to be. Save the Pandas.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kids and Shots

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I found this at abc news. If you are a parent, do you dread taking your child to get shots? This article is about a group of kids that were interviewed about going to the doctor for checkups and shots. Dr. Besser wanted to know their view on going to the doctor. Some of the kids' answers were very interesting. Some new a lot about it and others just thought they went to get hurt. The article goes on and explains the dos and donts for parents to do for their children to help out with this process.

Being a parent myself I was very interested in what they had to say. We kind of take for granted that we know why our children need shots, but do they understand. I agree with letting our children talk about what they think of going to the doctor. This could help us make them more comfortable. Lets face it, shots hurt.

Some of the children stated that shots were to make them feel better and so they won't get sick. Others even told about the white blood cells. I think that it is very important that they know why they are getting poked. Later on in the article it tells of some dos that a parent should do for their children before they go to the doctor. Dr. Besser explained that you should tell your child before they go to the doctor. You are preparing them. If you have a toddler don't do it too early. In the waiting room is good enough. That way they don't have too much time to worry about it. He also says that children like to have some control. Let the child choose which arm they want their shot in or pick where they want to sit. It is also nice to give them a hand to squeeze. This could help relieve some pain. It is also good to stay in the room with your child. Even though you might not want to see your child in pain, they are going to be more comfortable with you in there with them. A few of the don'ts that they suggest are do not threaten them. Also don't lie to them. Don't tell them it won't hurt. Dr. Besser says that this will only lose their trust with you. It also states not to equate shots with punishment. This will just make them more afraid.

I think that this article was very helpful for parents. Our children do need to know why they are going to the doctor and that it is not for the doctor to just hurt them. We also need to know how to make them the most comfortable.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Why The Rush To The Alter?

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I found this story at CNN. How about another Hollywood wedding that has happened within a month. That is just what this is about. Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom are going to be married this Sunday after they met only one month ago at a party they both attended. Some say that the wedding is just being planned so that it can be aired on the reality TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." This will boost the shows ratings. Another source said that Khloe just knows what she wants and these two started talking about marriage early into their relationship. Anyway, the wedding will be held this Sunday in L.A. and the camera crew will be there.

Another celebrity wedding. My thoughts about this is how long will this one last. I mean come on, there is a certain line you have to draw. Maybe I am wrong and these two are in love. I highly doubt it though.

I don't like it when celebrities get picked on because they live their lives just like we do, but it seems like this wedding is just for publicity. Why are they taping it for the show and why did it have to happen so soon? I would have to agree with one of the sources in the article in saying that it seems like they just want to boost the ratings for their reality show. I wish that people these days would see marriage as it is supposed to be. To love each other till death do us part. Divorce just seems to be too easy of an out now. If these two are indeed in love like they say they are, then I wish them the best. If not, it makes me sick to see that they are abusing marriage this way. I guess we will just have to find out in the future what this couple is all about.

I stand firm in believing that marriage is supposed to be forever. There are always going to be tough times, but that is what the vows say when you repeat them at your wedding. Again, I hope the best for this couple and maybe they can prove me wrong.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Parents Sue Walmart

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I found this at abc news. This story is about parents that lost custody of their children for a month because a walmart employee called some of their photos they were developing child pornography. After many plees that their pictures were just bath time fun, child protective services still removed the three girls from their home. According to the video a medical examiner found no signs of abuse and a judge found that the photos were harmless. Still after all that, the girls were gone for a month and the family says that the damages were done. The mother was suspended from work for a year and the both of them were put on a list of sex offenders. The parents are now putting up a lawsuit against walmart and the town in which it happened.

I cannot believe that this could happen to a family. Like they said in the video, probably 90% of the population have photos like these. I think that they are doing the right thing by putting up the lawsuit. They as well as their children have been through a lot.

I stand by my opinion in saying that these were perfectly innocent pictures. These parents had no intention of exploiting their children in any way. You can see some of the pictures yourself if you look at the video, but they are just children in their towels having fun after a bath. The mother tried giving advice to other parents warning them to just be aware of certain policies if you want to develop your pictures. What is not harmful to you might be to someone else. I still feel that walmart went too far with these. I know that there are some pictures that might need to be questioned, but there is nothing in these that should have raised a sign. I deeply feel for this family and I hope that the children can recover as well. I can't imagine how hard it was for them to stay in a strangers house for a month. I will keep a follow up on this story and I wish the best for this family.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Breast Cancer PSAs Raise Eyebrows

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I found this at abc news. It is about new spots being televised for breast cancer awareness. They are wondering if they have taken it too far with the new ads. There are girls in bikinis that some people think look more like a lingerie add instead of breast cancer awareness ads. Some are very provocative, but the founder of Rethink Breast Cancer says that to get younger people to pay more attention they had to come up with a new way to do it. The article states that every organization is trying to come up with a way to let their message sink in. These are very memorable, but are they the right way to go?

With my first reaction, I was unsure if this would be the right way to address this issue. It is definitely going to offend some people. As I kept reading I started realizing why they wanted to do them this way. I mostly agree with them and think that it will be good for the people they are trying to inform.

Some of these ads are very provocative and sexual but lets be honest, sex is what sells these days. The leading cause of cancer deaths in young women is breast cancer. So like they say, are younger women going to pay attention to older ladies on a pamphlet or to this more day and age approach. According to the article, the younger people are who said they needed to come up with a more in your face approach to get them to realize this is a big deal. According to this article the founder of this organization says that they are also targeting men. They want them to be more aware for their wives or their girlfriends. I think that this is going to be very controversial, but for the most part I think they are going in the right direction.

Since breast cancer is the leading death in young women, I think that it is very important to target them in a way that they are going to be more willing to go and get an exam. I know that I wouldn't think twice about getting breast cancer but this made me more aware. At the end of this article it said that this will offend some people but it will also be memorable, and people act on memory of ads. I strongly agree.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Germs On A Plane

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I found this at abc news. I am not a big traveler but I thought that this would be interesting to find out what kind of germs can actually be on a plane. Since the swine flu has a lot of people acting more cautious, it might be a good idea to know how to help prevent it. The story actually tells how the air on a plane circulates, and that it is probably cleaner than most indoor places. It also states that planes are very well sanitized after flights, but shows you ways that you can help prevent getting sick. The medical specialist suggests bringing your own products such as hand sanitizer, a mask, pillow, blanket, etc. This article says that it is not a hazard to fly, but just be aware of your surroundings.

I think that it is very important to watch out for yourself when traveling, and this article shows a lot of different ways you can do this. My reaction did not change later on in this article because it just kept showing ways to protect yourself.

Like I said before, I myself am not a big traveler, but many people are. It is important to pack essentials you need for keeping yourself sanitized. According to the story when someone coughs it can travel back about three rows in just seconds, and within fifteen minutes the germ particles can travel about ten rows. This is a little disgusting to think about, but it also puts into perspective what you need to look out for. I feel that for myself the most important things to keep with you when you are traveling anywhere would be hand sanitizer and wipes. They are easy to carry and can take care of all the little things you touch. The last thing that the medical professional mentioned was to just be aware of the people that are sick and keep yourself out of contact. It's pretty much common sense but it works.

After reading this article, I think that planes are very well sanitized and you would be just as likely to get sick anywhere else. I do think that it is important to stay cautious though, and to be aware of your surroundings. After all, you don't want to be sick for your entire vacation.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Casino Let Me Lose $125,000

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I found this story at abc news. It is about a lady that lost $125,000 one night and is now blaming it on the casino. She took it to court claiming that the casino knew she was a compulsive gambler and that they should not have advanced her the $125,000 line of credit when she asked for it. She claims that they knew she had money so they took advantage of her.

My reaction to this was, are you serious. It mentions in the article that before the advance she had already lost $8,000. She had already lost this much money and now she is asking for more. This is her own fault. Did my reaction change after further reading? I think not.

This lady admits to being a pathological gambler. If she knew that she might get herself into trouble, why didn't she sign herself up for the Voluntary Exclusion Program. According to the article this is a self sign up program that you can put yourself on if you feel that you might get into trouble. It lets the employees do a crosscheck when you either cash out or ask for an advance. This could have been extremely helpful for this lady. As for this lady taking this casino to court so she doesn't have to pay back the $125,000 that she lost on her own, I think it is crazy. This is a problem that she has and she needs to get help for. It also states that she estimated to have lost around $900,000 in her lifetime. That is a large chunk of change to have just lost. Like I stated before, I think she needs help. I have to agree with the casino in this and say that it was entirely her decision to lose this money and it is her responsibility to pay it back.

I end in a quote from Wilson Mizner: "Gambling is the sure way of getting nothing from something."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Best Days For Shopping Discounts

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I found this story on abc news. Everyone is always trying to find good deals. In this story it tells you different days of the week to buy certain items. For example it starts by saying it is best to buy plane tickets on Wednesday morning. Airlines start their sales on Friday and they are constantly competing with other airlines but by Wednesday they are going to give you the best deal. Also, they said the best day to book a hotel room would be Sunday. There are usually more than one manager there on Sundays so they can find the best rates they have for you. These were just a few examples. They also talked about when to buy gas, cars, dinner out, groceries, entertainment, clothes, department ware stores, and books.

When I saw the headline of this story I had to watch it. I am pretty sure that everyone is always looking for a better bargain. When the story first started I was skeptical. How can there be certain days of the week that are better to buy things? Then it started to make more since later on. If you think about the different things they talked about it made since.

I already explained why it was better to buy plane tickets and hotel reservations, but what about gas. I thought that gas just was what it was. It explains that Thursday mornings before 10:00am are best because of supply and demand. This makes perfect since. More people travel on the weekend so the price is going to go up. It is kind of the same with entertainment. Can you guess when the perfect day to go out for entertainment is? Wednesday, no one is out on Wednesdays. Many places give great discounts on this day just to get people in. A major money saver for me is clothes. I always try to hit the sales, but like they mentioned in this story, you never know when they are going to pop up. One big day is long weekends, but another important day is the night before. Most employees are already down pricing the clothes and they will honor those prices. Plus you get first pick before everyone else gets through them. I was very excited to see another perspective on saving money. To begin with I was skeptical, but now I see how you can save money by watching different days of the week. I am definitely going to try and get gas on Thursday mornings and see if their suggestions work.

Saving money is a part of every one's life. There is always another way to try. I enjoy listening and reading about what another person has done to save money. I would love to hear from you if you have any more suggestions. Feel free to post as many as you would like!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Boy Scout turns 'mud pit' into a $60K Playground

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I found this story at CNN. I was ready for an upbeat story and I think found it. Alex is a 16 year old boyscout who wanted to make a difference at a Russian hospital where he was actually raised for his first 11 months of life. He was abandoned by his parents and was raised by this hospital until he was adopted by Dwight and Jenny Griffith. He was diagnosed with a touch of Cerebral Palsy, but is now a healthy teenager who loves video games, riding his dirt bike, and being active in boyscouts. He wanted to give back to Hospital 20 in Russia by giving the children a descent playground. Before his playground went up all that was there before was a rusty swing and a sandbox that Alex referred to as a mud pit because of all the rain. Alex recruited more than 500 volunteers from different countries and raised more than $60,000 for his project. He actually got to go over himself with a small group to help set up the playground. Alex is hoping to become an Eagle Scout and is patiently waiting to see if this project will help him to get there. He says no matter what he is happy with what he has done and is helping other adopted kids that has asked him how they can help do the same thing that he has done.

When I first started to read this story I was amazed at the fact the hospital did so much for Alex when he didn't even have a family member around. I was also excited to see that Alex grew up to be a very intelligent and helping young boy. As you can probably guess my reaction did not change as the story went on, but only got better.

I think that we have a lot of good things that happen in this day and age, but I also think that there is a lot of bad that goes on as well. I have four children myself and I am hoping that they grow up to be intelligent in the choices that they make. We all know that people are followers. They follow what they think is popular and they follow what they think is fun. I feel that if more people could fall into this 16 year old boy's footsteps and do something good for the world it might set a trend for others to do the same. Even if it is something small. Granted a $60,000 playground is a great accomplishment, something much smaller can do good as well. Whether it be cleaning up a community or even just a neighbor's yard if they are unable, the small things in this world can help. I am intrigued with what Alex wanted to do for someone else. He felt that the children at Hospital 20 in Russia needed a new playground, so he set his mind to it and accomplished his task.

I end in saying... It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
-Author Unknown

Friday, September 4, 2009

Selling Friends on Facebook

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I found this story at The title was very interesting to me...Marketing Company Sells Clients Facebook Friends. If you are familiar with Facebook you know that you usually make friends by sending a request and then they accept. Now there is a company that is doing it for money. An Australian marketing company named uSocial will now sell you 1,000 friends for under $200. The maximum friends you can buy is 5,000 and you can get that for $727. This service is meant for business, celebrities, or people who just want to increase their social network. Do you think that Facebook is happy about this? Definitely not.

My first reaction to this story was how can this be happening with the privacy policies that Facebook has, and how can someone want friends that bad that they would spend money to get them. As I read on, I learned that most people that did this was for business purposes. The more people they had on their account, the more advertising and talk they had for their company. I still didn't understand how this was not violating privacy of the people on Facebook.

I am currently a Facebook member, and at first I felt that the privacy was dealt with very good. Now I am not so sure. If uSocial can use someones account to find ideal matches for what that company is looking for, then what else can they do into your account? As I read on I found out that Facebook is not happy about this at all. They bring forth that giving anyone else access to your account is against the site's policies, as is sending out friend requests for someone else's behalf. I felt the exact same way. How can you trust a network if someone else is using you for their benefit? Later on in the article I found out that this isn't the first time that uSocial has tried doing this. They also tried to do the same thing on Twitter.

In conclusion, I myself am hoping that this crazy business can be stopped. There could be a lot of people ending up very angry if this goes on. My reaction is still the same. I can't believe people are using money to gain friends, and I also feel that Facebook could lose many clients as long as uSocial keeps up their work. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Get rich, get thin -- or get real?

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I found this article on CNN. When I first started to read it, I could tell that it was talking about another type of multi-level business. I am very against most of these types of companies, but I decided to read on to see if this one was any different. It's product was body slimming undergarments from the company Ardyss International. Their claims are that you can wear it and get thin, or you can sell it and get rich. In this type of business distributors make money through sales. You can make even more if you recruit more distributors under you and so on. Most of these companies hold rallies where the highest ranked people in the business tell of their success stories and how you can do it too. They claim how in times like these people need more ways to make money and that their company is going to be the answer. Stephen Calkins, a law professor, says that you have to be careful with these type of companies. You should check their credibility. He also suggests that you understand that the success stories you hear are very unlikely. He says it is true that a few people will hit it big, but most will make very little, nothing, or even lose more money than they make.

After reading this entire article, I still feel the same as before. I don't feel that a multi-level business can earn everyone millions of dollars. I agree with Stephen Calkins when he says you have to be very cautious as to what you spend your money on. If you have to take out a large portion of money to get started, and then you are asking others to do the same, it would make me very nervous. How will this type of business earn you the same amount of income in the long run? Eventually, you would have to believe that it would just run out. Then you would have to find some other way to get rich quick. I stand firm on saying that a business like this would not work for me.

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Was Right To Tase Mom In Front Of Kids

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A N.Y. city police officer stopped a minivan because he thought she was talking on a cell phone and was going 5 miles over the speed limit. When the officer approached the car, he saw that there were 2 children in the car. As the officer tried to talk to the woman in the van, he said she was being disorderly and he could not see her hands during part of the conversation. He felt that he needed to tase her, so he did it twice. He claimed he thought she was going to drive off and he didn't want to have a vehicle pursuit with children in the car. The officer's supervisor said there was nothing wrong with what he did, but the officer was suspended.

I have to agree with the civilian in this situation. She had 2 children in the car with her. To see there mother being hurt by a police officer could be very disturbing to them. I have to think that there would have been a better way to control this situation. A police officer is supposed to be a role model for children and they are supposed to help people, not hurt their mothers. I also think that the suspension was the right move for the officer's supervisor. He had to show some form of punishment for his actions.

I have learned a valuable lesson from this story. If you feel like you were not in the wrong when you are stopped by an officer, you still need to listen and cooperate with them. They are your authority. You can deal with the situation later with the court if you feel that it is necessary. I do think that this officer could have handled this situation better.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Testing Children with Vaccination

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Emory University and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is just one of six locations that are testing 100 children against the H1N1 or swine flu. After testing on adults, there were no major safety concerns so they approved to test it with children. Since children are at a higher risk for this virus, they want to start now to protect them from it.

After reading this article, I myself was a little weary of letting someone test children without for sure knowing the right dosage or side affects that could occur. This virus does concern me, but I would have to have a 100% guarantee that my child would be alright after taking this vaccination. I am thankful for people that are courageous enough to further the knowledge of this remedy by being the guinea pigs so to speak. I myself just could not do it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Robots Parking Your Car?

Have you ever been in a large city and had no where to park? They may have came up with the perfect solution. Robots are now parking your cars on top of each other to provide more room. Yes you heard me right, robots are parking your car. After you park your car, it is moved to a different level, either up or down. Then they can also be moved from left to right. This triples the amount of parking spaces. At first I thought that there was no way this could work. If you wanted to leave before someone else, how long would you have to wait before your car got to you? Since the cars can move up, down, left, and right it could take only seconds. The longest they said it might take would be a minute or so. There is always going to be parking problems in larger cities. I think this is a great idea. Like they said, it is a very efficient way to create a solution to this problem.
Hopefully this works!