Monday, October 5, 2009

Should We Let The Pandas Die?

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I found this article at abc news. As the article states, pandas are cute and cuddly. One Britain nature host is wondering if we should work so hard at keeping them alive though. He states that their environment is shrinking and that we should spend the millions of dollars that we spend on them some other way.

When I first read this article I couldn't believe what I was reading. Someone actually wants to just let the most rare species of bear die off. His argument about eventually having to make some hard decisions due to our growing society does make some since, but I don't think that I agree with letting this species just die off yet.

As stated in the article, senior curator, Brandie Smith says that the reason their habitat is being taken over is because of us. Now it is up to us to help them. I would have to agree with her. They state that it is expensive to keep pandas going, but they also say that the pandas pay for themselves when it comes to tourists. If this is so, I find it hard to say that we should let them just die off. Again, they are the most rare species of bear. Doesn't that account for something? I think that as of right now it is perfectly fine to keep doing what we are doing. Sure we might have to make some hard decisions later on, but lets do that when the time gets here. Who knows, by then this might not even be an issue. I know I would feel bad if an animal was let go extinct that didn't have to be. Save the Pandas.


  1. We go out of our way to make sure other species get the attention they deserve, why not the pandas?
    I agree with you. These are a rare species and people are fascinated by them. People of all ages love them.
    It seems like there could be some sort of refuge made for them just as we do with other animals facing extinction.

  2. I'm not so sure. And it has nothing to do with money spent, or habitat shrinkage. No, I'm not sure the effort ought to be spent to keep them around because their own instincts aren't strong enough to procreate the species.

    Recently, China (and other nation's zoos)discovered that the reason that panda mating usually doesn't happen in captivity is that the instinct isn't developed enough for the pandas to mate without instructions: mating has been successful, once the pandas were shown video of pandas mating in the wild.

    In other words, it takes panda porn to make little pandas.

    If a species' instincts aren't strong enough for procreation, then there's something really wrong with that species. And maybe we're wrong for trying to save it.
