Thursday, October 15, 2009

Florida Boy Set On Fire

Check it out here

I found this at abc news. Michael Brewer, a 15 year old boy, was set on fire by a group of 15 year olds and one 13 year old after they say he owed them $40 for a video game. The group of boys tried stealing a bike from Michael the day before and he reported them to the police. The group of boys were mad that he reported them, so they poured rubbing alcohol on him and lit him with a lighter. Michael is in critical condition with burns that cover over 65% of his body. Doctors say that it is going to be a long recovery. The boys were arrested and are now waiting trial. They are debating on whether or not the 15 year olds should be charged as adults.

I find this to be very disturbing. I can't believe that children would take something like this that far. As the mother stated in the article, we have to get control of our children. They are getting more violent every day.

I think that the boys should be charged as adults. The officer stated that the boys were laughing about what they did when they were being questioned. They showed no remorse. He said that only one boy acted as if he was truly sorry for what he did, and realized that it was wrong. I can't believe that they could be so cruel, and it was over money for a video game.

Michael is going to have a long recovery. He will have to go through major surgeries just to repair his burnt skin, and he will always have the scars that will remind him of what happened that day. Not to mention the kidney and lung failure that could happen in the weeks to come, from his body trying to fight all the damage. My heart goes out to this boy and his family. I wish him the best recovery possible. As for the group of boys that set him on fire, I hope that they get a fair trial that sentences them for what they deserve.


  1. I agree with you that the juveniles in this case should definitely be considered to be certified as adults when this much forethought and malice was involved. If the kids are laughing while being questioned about this incident I wonder what will be the next step they take that they will think is funny especially if they get away with it.

  2. Very sad story, one because of the suffering the burned boy will go through, and two, sad that any human being could do this willingly to another human being. I agree the 15 year olds should be tried as adults. They are useless to society now, unless they are repentant. Thanks for posting

  3. Very sad indeed. It breaks my heart that my children are growing up in the same generation with these psychos. I'm not a religious fanatic, or whatever, but I do have to say that this generation's babysitter is video games. And most of them violent. What are kids supposed to think when that is what they are being taught? And the parents aren't around to help them to understand that this is not acceptable behavior IRL (in real life). Terribly sad. My kids were not raised by video games, thank the Gods, we could not afford them! If my vote counted, I would say definitely try them as adults. Like gdaoud said, what will they do next time?
