Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kids and Shots

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I found this at abc news. If you are a parent, do you dread taking your child to get shots? This article is about a group of kids that were interviewed about going to the doctor for checkups and shots. Dr. Besser wanted to know their view on going to the doctor. Some of the kids' answers were very interesting. Some new a lot about it and others just thought they went to get hurt. The article goes on and explains the dos and donts for parents to do for their children to help out with this process.

Being a parent myself I was very interested in what they had to say. We kind of take for granted that we know why our children need shots, but do they understand. I agree with letting our children talk about what they think of going to the doctor. This could help us make them more comfortable. Lets face it, shots hurt.

Some of the children stated that shots were to make them feel better and so they won't get sick. Others even told about the white blood cells. I think that it is very important that they know why they are getting poked. Later on in the article it tells of some dos that a parent should do for their children before they go to the doctor. Dr. Besser explained that you should tell your child before they go to the doctor. You are preparing them. If you have a toddler don't do it too early. In the waiting room is good enough. That way they don't have too much time to worry about it. He also says that children like to have some control. Let the child choose which arm they want their shot in or pick where they want to sit. It is also nice to give them a hand to squeeze. This could help relieve some pain. It is also good to stay in the room with your child. Even though you might not want to see your child in pain, they are going to be more comfortable with you in there with them. A few of the don'ts that they suggest are do not threaten them. Also don't lie to them. Don't tell them it won't hurt. Dr. Besser says that this will only lose their trust with you. It also states not to equate shots with punishment. This will just make them more afraid.

I think that this article was very helpful for parents. Our children do need to know why they are going to the doctor and that it is not for the doctor to just hurt them. We also need to know how to make them the most comfortable.

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