Friday, October 23, 2009

$2 Painting Might be a Picasso

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I found this at abc news. After her neighbor passed away, Parker helped out his relatives by taking some of his belongings, so they wouldn't have to take them back with them. She held a garage sale and sold one of the paintings he had for $2. The lady that bought the painting was about ready to hang it on her wall, when she realized there was writing on the corner of it. It read, Pablo Picasso. She couldn't believe it. She called the FBI because she thought that it might have been stolen, but after investigation they found that it was not on the list. It is now being looked at to confirm if the painting is a fake or not. Parker is overwhelmed, and wonders what would have happened if she would have just kept it.

Can you imagine having a Picasso painting and then selling it for $2? I would be kicking myself all over the place. It still has not been confirmed if the painting is real. As for the lady that now has possession of the painting, she says that if it is a real Picasso painting she will be selling it for sure. Honestly, I don't blame her. She bought it for $2 and might be selling it for plenty more. Ironic things happen all of the time. According to the article, the man that passed away was an art collector. First, his family had the painting, but didn't want to hall it back home. Then, his friendly neighbor offered to help, by holding a garage sale after they left. The painting was then hers. She realized the painting had Picasso's name on it, but the family said that it was probably a fake, so she sold it. Now it's in possession of another person that will be very lucky if it turns out that this is a genuine Picasso painting. It's a little crazy how things turn out sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. That is insane. What a find that would be. A $2 painting that could possibly be Picasso's. Who would have ever thought that you find something like that at a garage sale. What a deal! I am curious to know how the painting came to be in the man's possession.
