Friday, September 18, 2009

Germs On A Plane

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I found this at abc news. I am not a big traveler but I thought that this would be interesting to find out what kind of germs can actually be on a plane. Since the swine flu has a lot of people acting more cautious, it might be a good idea to know how to help prevent it. The story actually tells how the air on a plane circulates, and that it is probably cleaner than most indoor places. It also states that planes are very well sanitized after flights, but shows you ways that you can help prevent getting sick. The medical specialist suggests bringing your own products such as hand sanitizer, a mask, pillow, blanket, etc. This article says that it is not a hazard to fly, but just be aware of your surroundings.

I think that it is very important to watch out for yourself when traveling, and this article shows a lot of different ways you can do this. My reaction did not change later on in this article because it just kept showing ways to protect yourself.

Like I said before, I myself am not a big traveler, but many people are. It is important to pack essentials you need for keeping yourself sanitized. According to the story when someone coughs it can travel back about three rows in just seconds, and within fifteen minutes the germ particles can travel about ten rows. This is a little disgusting to think about, but it also puts into perspective what you need to look out for. I feel that for myself the most important things to keep with you when you are traveling anywhere would be hand sanitizer and wipes. They are easy to carry and can take care of all the little things you touch. The last thing that the medical professional mentioned was to just be aware of the people that are sick and keep yourself out of contact. It's pretty much common sense but it works.

After reading this article, I think that planes are very well sanitized and you would be just as likely to get sick anywhere else. I do think that it is important to stay cautious though, and to be aware of your surroundings. After all, you don't want to be sick for your entire vacation.

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