Thursday, September 24, 2009

Parents Sue Walmart

Check it out here

I found this at abc news. This story is about parents that lost custody of their children for a month because a walmart employee called some of their photos they were developing child pornography. After many plees that their pictures were just bath time fun, child protective services still removed the three girls from their home. According to the video a medical examiner found no signs of abuse and a judge found that the photos were harmless. Still after all that, the girls were gone for a month and the family says that the damages were done. The mother was suspended from work for a year and the both of them were put on a list of sex offenders. The parents are now putting up a lawsuit against walmart and the town in which it happened.

I cannot believe that this could happen to a family. Like they said in the video, probably 90% of the population have photos like these. I think that they are doing the right thing by putting up the lawsuit. They as well as their children have been through a lot.

I stand by my opinion in saying that these were perfectly innocent pictures. These parents had no intention of exploiting their children in any way. You can see some of the pictures yourself if you look at the video, but they are just children in their towels having fun after a bath. The mother tried giving advice to other parents warning them to just be aware of certain policies if you want to develop your pictures. What is not harmful to you might be to someone else. I still feel that walmart went too far with these. I know that there are some pictures that might need to be questioned, but there is nothing in these that should have raised a sign. I deeply feel for this family and I hope that the children can recover as well. I can't imagine how hard it was for them to stay in a strangers house for a month. I will keep a follow up on this story and I wish the best for this family.


  1. I found this story to be troubling as well. Nothing can be done to change what that family has gone through and I find that really unfortunate. Another thing I find upsetting is that in society today there is need for things such as this (I realize more extreme cases) to be reported. I understand that Wal Mart maybe should have taken a closer look perhaps (no pun intended), but to them I suppose they were only doing what they have been trained to. But I really do feel for that family I could not imagine what it must have been like to endure all of that. I hope everyone recovers from this catastrophe. Next time maybe they will do some investigating before jumping to conclusions rather than after.

  2. My mom likely still has pictures of us girls in the bath from years ago. I have the cutest pictures of my boys getting their bath in the kitchen sink and learning to splash in the water. You can't see anything in them just a baby having some bath-time fun. I hope that family gets a as good a deal as the woman who spilt the mcdonalds coffee on herself.
