Friday, September 11, 2009

Boy Scout turns 'mud pit' into a $60K Playground

Check it out here

I found this story at CNN. I was ready for an upbeat story and I think found it. Alex is a 16 year old boyscout who wanted to make a difference at a Russian hospital where he was actually raised for his first 11 months of life. He was abandoned by his parents and was raised by this hospital until he was adopted by Dwight and Jenny Griffith. He was diagnosed with a touch of Cerebral Palsy, but is now a healthy teenager who loves video games, riding his dirt bike, and being active in boyscouts. He wanted to give back to Hospital 20 in Russia by giving the children a descent playground. Before his playground went up all that was there before was a rusty swing and a sandbox that Alex referred to as a mud pit because of all the rain. Alex recruited more than 500 volunteers from different countries and raised more than $60,000 for his project. He actually got to go over himself with a small group to help set up the playground. Alex is hoping to become an Eagle Scout and is patiently waiting to see if this project will help him to get there. He says no matter what he is happy with what he has done and is helping other adopted kids that has asked him how they can help do the same thing that he has done.

When I first started to read this story I was amazed at the fact the hospital did so much for Alex when he didn't even have a family member around. I was also excited to see that Alex grew up to be a very intelligent and helping young boy. As you can probably guess my reaction did not change as the story went on, but only got better.

I think that we have a lot of good things that happen in this day and age, but I also think that there is a lot of bad that goes on as well. I have four children myself and I am hoping that they grow up to be intelligent in the choices that they make. We all know that people are followers. They follow what they think is popular and they follow what they think is fun. I feel that if more people could fall into this 16 year old boy's footsteps and do something good for the world it might set a trend for others to do the same. Even if it is something small. Granted a $60,000 playground is a great accomplishment, something much smaller can do good as well. Whether it be cleaning up a community or even just a neighbor's yard if they are unable, the small things in this world can help. I am intrigued with what Alex wanted to do for someone else. He felt that the children at Hospital 20 in Russia needed a new playground, so he set his mind to it and accomplished his task.

I end in saying... It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
-Author Unknown


  1. Great upbeat story! It is impressive to see a sixteen year old doing so much good already. Just imagine what he can do when he grows up if he puts his mind to it. I bet this accomplishment is a big step toward his goal as an Eagle Scout. I agree with you when you said, “I feel that if more people could fall into this 16 year old boy's footsteps and do something good for the world it might set a trend for others to do the same.” Little improvements everywhere would make a huge difference.

  2. I am glad you decided to look for a story that was positive; I found it to be very refreshing. I love how kind and unselfish children are. His idea to build a play area for the hospital probably really changed life for the children that are there. After all a child's job is to play. Should have no other worries they should be able to be happy and enjoy life. And you are right, if people all over decided to make little improvements big or small would make a dramatic difference in people's lives.
