Friday, September 4, 2009

Selling Friends on Facebook

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I found this story at The title was very interesting to me...Marketing Company Sells Clients Facebook Friends. If you are familiar with Facebook you know that you usually make friends by sending a request and then they accept. Now there is a company that is doing it for money. An Australian marketing company named uSocial will now sell you 1,000 friends for under $200. The maximum friends you can buy is 5,000 and you can get that for $727. This service is meant for business, celebrities, or people who just want to increase their social network. Do you think that Facebook is happy about this? Definitely not.

My first reaction to this story was how can this be happening with the privacy policies that Facebook has, and how can someone want friends that bad that they would spend money to get them. As I read on, I learned that most people that did this was for business purposes. The more people they had on their account, the more advertising and talk they had for their company. I still didn't understand how this was not violating privacy of the people on Facebook.

I am currently a Facebook member, and at first I felt that the privacy was dealt with very good. Now I am not so sure. If uSocial can use someones account to find ideal matches for what that company is looking for, then what else can they do into your account? As I read on I found out that Facebook is not happy about this at all. They bring forth that giving anyone else access to your account is against the site's policies, as is sending out friend requests for someone else's behalf. I felt the exact same way. How can you trust a network if someone else is using you for their benefit? Later on in the article I found out that this isn't the first time that uSocial has tried doing this. They also tried to do the same thing on Twitter.

In conclusion, I myself am hoping that this crazy business can be stopped. There could be a lot of people ending up very angry if this goes on. My reaction is still the same. I can't believe people are using money to gain friends, and I also feel that Facebook could lose many clients as long as uSocial keeps up their work. What do you think?


  1. I agree with you on this. Me and my husband are both on facebook and to find out that there is a company that could try and do something like this for money is crazy. I hope that they do get stopped because I cannot think of anyone that I know that is that desperate to find more friends.
