Thursday, April 22, 2010

Will this tunnel ever end??

Today I reminded myself of the extremely long tunnel that I am going through, and yes I am still at the beginning where the light is not in site. I am referring to how many more years that still need completed in order for me to receive my degree. Everyone keeps saying I will get there, and I know that I will, but my goodness it is taking forever! I wish that I had an easy button, anyone else feel the same It has been going too slow though, so I thought that next semester I would take on a couple more classes. Even though I promised myself a break, I think a couple of summer classes would help as well. There are a couple that don' t sound too awful. The only thing that is keeping me going is the reward I will receive in the end...a wonderful job that I have always wanted and a chance to help out my family with a little more income.

My degree is in elementary education with an early childhood emphasis. I would love to be able to teach kindergarten. I think that it is a very rewarding job and I also feel that it is what I am geared for. I have never desired another career. I love every aspect of this job, except the pay. Does anyone else agree that teachers are not payed enough? I know that this subject is always talked about, but I do believe that it is a little low. If I remain in this area where I live now, my starting pay will be around $29,000 to $31,000 a year. Like most jobs, pay increases as the years go on. If I stay in this area the average pay would be $39,000 to $41,000 a year. This is not a bad salary, especially looking at all of the good incentives for becoming a teacher. The wonderful children in which you get to touch their lives, my summers off, great job for someone with their own children, and many more. I am not looking for a huge increase, but I do believe that as the economy starts to rise, teachers should get a little extra. I guess one thing I could do is move to Connecticut or!

I guess to sum it all up, my career is at the end of a tunnel at which the light is not yet shining, and once I get there my pockets will still be empty :) Even though I agree with raising teacher salaries, money isn't everything. The way I am looking at it, if I had that little extra money, it would be gone as well. Money doesn't buy happiness, and even if a teacher's salary started at $15,000, I would probably still be pursuing my dream.

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