Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Babies are Growing Up

I never believed anyone when they used to say don't wish your life away. I used to always want to be just a year older, or just be able to drive, or just get out of school, or anything to make time go by faster. Now I completely understand what they were talking about. I wish that I could just take time and freeze it right now, just like it is. My youngest daughter will be 3 on Saturday, and if that isn't bad enough, my youngest will be 2 on May 1. For me, when they hit age 2 it seems like they want nothing to do with being little anymore. They won't let me just hold them and love on them when I want. It has to be on their time. They want more independence, but I am NOT ready to give in yet.

What is it about children that makes every mother cry, even if they are just writing a silly blog for their English class. I mean it, I am an emotional wreck right now. The keyboard looks like a swimming pool. In all seriousness though, what is it about women that tend to make us express our emotions more. I learned in my psychology class that men and women tend to feel the exact same emotions and in the same way, but men just don't express them in the same way. I think that this article explained a little bit about the way that our society forms men to believe that they need to act tough. If boys are raised to think this way, then they probably won't let their emotions show, in fear of the names they might get called. I hate to say it, but I even think this way. If I were to see a man crying, I would probably think that he wasn't as tough or strong as other men, even when I know that it's not the case. That is just how our society, and most societies are raised.

Women are also better at expressing empathy. We are able to put ourselves in the other person's shoes. Not only do we do this, but we express how our emotions feel with an outward action. Notice that I said at the beginning, expressing empathy. Men can put themselves in the same person's shoes, they just won't express it like women do. I find this research to be very interesting, especially since it completely makes since.

I feel that one important part of why I can express more emotions now, is for the simple fact of becoming a mother. I think that motherhood brings along an entire array of emotions, from happiness and joy, worry,feeling proud, and so many more. For all of the mothers reading this, here is a sweet story for you to read. It only takes a minute, but just be prepared with a tissue in hand. :)

Tomorrow, my daughter and I are going shopping for all things needed for her party on Saturday. It will be all about ladybugs and flowers, and I can't wait! I have learned to cherish every moment that we have with our children, because it only takes a day and it seems like they have grown too much. I encourage everyone parent to take a little extra time this week to spend with your children. It doesn't have to be much, just as long as you are together. I promise it will be a moment you will never forget! Don't be afraid to let your emotions go sometimes, it is good for us all. And yes, this is for you as well dad's (I know you checked out the story, and it brought a little tear or two).

I didn't want to leave the dad's out, so here you go.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is now 19 months and it goes by so fast! Enjoy your day shopping. Mothers are a gift from God ... Take Care.
