Friday, April 23, 2010

My Opinion on Divorce ( I know this might be a touchy subject, but just remember that this is just my opinion)

One of my friends just recently went through a nasty divorce. It has been very hard on her and the kids. We all tell her that she will be okay in time, but we also know that these words won't heal the present. I thought that I would give a little bit of my own opinion on divorce, and also share some other things that I came across.

In my opinion, I think that divorce is way too easy now. I think that instead of people meaning what they say when their vows are spoken, instead they just speak them because that is what you do at your wedding. There are too many people with the mind set of, if this doesn't work out then we can just get a divorce. The percentage of marriages that end up in divorce in the United States is 54.8%. I think that this is very sad, especially compared to the many other countries listed. If you want to compare them check it out here. Maybe I am just old school, but I think that once you say I do, it should be for good.

I do believe there are some cases in which divorce could be an option. I don't believe that it should be made when a little stress starts coming into your marriage. Lets face it, everyone is going to have a little stress every once in a while. It is just our nature. This site states some really good ways in dealing with common stresses in a marriage: medical, financial, or psychological are a few. The best advice that I think can be given is how communication is key to a successful marriage. Don't just keep blaming each other. Talk about it and try to come up with the best solution. Like I said before, we are all selfish by nature, so learning to control this emotion will help in all areas of our life.

The worst thing that comes with divorce is how it hurts and destroys children. This has been true to every divorced family that I know personally. If a child is being mentally or physically abused, then I feel that divorce might be the only option. Other reasons for divorce, most of the time leave children feeling scared and confused. A lot of the times children feel like they are the reason for their parents splitting, when it is not at all. They can't understand why their family can't be together anymore.

I think that by reading this post, everyone knows where I stand on the topic of divorce. However, if divorce is going to be an option for you or someone that you know, and kids are involved, I hope that this site can help. There are some good tips that would help the children understand a little better.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.


  1. Great post. I think you are right, too many people use divorce as an early option out instead of a last resort.

  2. This is a great blog. I agree with you on divorce being so easy. My husband and I are very old fashioned in the fact that we won't get divorced ever. We have had several ups and downs, but we get through them with communication. I believe divorce should be harder to achieve, maybe make couples do marriage counceling before they can get a divorce, or something like this. We just need more old fashioned people.
