Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I scream, U scream, We all scream for ICE CREAM!!!!!!

Alright, so I know this might be a weird way to end, but I thought that it would be fun and a little different. So here goes....I love ice cream! Honestly, who doesn't love ice cream?? There are a million different flavors to choose from, and a million different ways to eat it. There are the originals like vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, but there are also some out of this world combinations like spaghetti and cheese ice cream. It's true, check it out ! This would not be something for me, but maybe you would find it appetizing. This just goes to show the infinite choices that are out there, which leads me to believe that everyone would love it.

I am probably a bit boring, but my absolute favorite is homemade vanilla ice cream! Not just the homemade vanilla from the store, but actual homemade. I love the taste, I love the texture, and it is the perfect addition to any summer day (the best is on the 4th of July). A very close 2nd is snow ice cream. It is very sweet, more the better, and it also has a good texture. If you can't tell I have a weird thing with texture. Anyway, those are my favorites.

I thought it would be fun to see what the most popular ice cream was in America. My guess was that vanilla would take the lead by far, but surprisingly a poll was taken in 2009 and chocolate was on top at 27%. Vanilla wasn't far though at 22% along with cookies and cream. There was 20% for butter pecan/swiss almond and finally mint chocolate chip came in at 17%. I was completely shocked that spaghetti and cheese didn't make the!

With summer just around the corner, I am sure we will all be having our fair share of ice cream. And if you are planing on having homemade vanilla, don't forget to call me!! I hope everyone has a fantastic break, and best of luck next semester! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pets and their accesories

I was trying to find something different that was going on in my area of the world to blog about, and came up with this next blog due to a picture my grandma showed me of her dog. The dog was wearing a pink dress with matching bows, and of course a sparkly collar. I agree that it was adorable, but are some people starting to go too far with this doggie extravaganza.

I have to admit that I have been one of those people who have bought a doggie outfit and some accessories for my mom's little dog. What is bad is that it's a boy, but they were so cute! That is beside the point though. I think that some of this pampering is just fine, but I also came across some things that I thought were a bit over the top. For instance, this site sells everything needed for puppies and dogs, from clothes, dog dishes, and beds; it's a little overwhelming how many things there are for dogs. What is even more overwhelming are the price tags that are attached. I mean do pets really need several outfits that cost $50, and that is not including the accessories or the leash that you can buy for $80.

Another thing that has me a little confused is why some people actually spend money on a pet spa day. Our pets can now receive massages, get bathed with special shampoos, "socialize" with other pets while waiting on their personal stylist, and many others. In Summerville, Massachusets, Pet Spa is the name of one of these upscale Spas for dogs. They even have a pet boutique where they can shop for whatever their pet desires. Personally, I think that this is way too far. I believe in keeping your pet clean and taking them to the vet if needed. I also think that if you are away, a pet sitter is justifiable, but not a day at the spa.

I know that there are probably some of you out there that believe that this pet pampering is just fine, and I say if that is for you then go for it. For me, I think it's a little crazy. Either way it's everybody's personal preference and their is not going to be any way that their minds will be changed, and that goes for both sides. If you are quite fond of your pet, then here is a contest at cnn that you could enter them in.

Oh, and don't forget...Have your pet spayed and neutered! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


It is finally here...the end of the semester! I am so excited to finally be finished with everything. This semester has been more of a struggle for me to get motivated than past semesters, so I decided to take the summer off. Hopefully I will be ready to roll when fall gets here, which is going to be a whole new experience in itself.

Ever since I first started taking my classes at MSSU, I have taken them online. Since I had a family to look after, I needed that convenience. Now I am getting into my education classes and I will be returning to campus. This leaves me with very mixed feelings; scared, nervous, exciting... I have not been in an actual classroom setting for 7 years! What should I expect walking back in, a 25 year old sitting in a class with a bunch of teeny boppers... lol. Yes, I can only imagine all of them looking at the "non trad" and laughing inside. What is she doing in here, shouldn't she be done by now?? Anyway, I am ready for the challenge. Bring it on!

What comes before the fall school year though? SUMMER!! I can't wait. My first exciting experience this summer will be taking place in Kaui, Hawaii, and it is going to take place in only 16 days. I have never been more ready. I am not going to lie...I already have some stuff packed and ready to go :) Yeah I know, a little early right. Better to be safe then sorry. My kids are excited as well. My oldest daughter has her count down going and she is anxiously awaiting.

The next exciting summer experience will backyard! I can't wait to just sit and relax while the kids are running around in the water. It sounds completely satisfying to me.

Of course with summer comes the 4th of July, which I love. There is always so much fun stuff to do all day long. There is also the trips to the ballpark, my kids are playing t-ball, and it's quite hysterical. Who knew that the entire team could go and get the ball when it is hit? Obviously our team knows this rule. Another great summer joy is the swimming pool. I am in hopes that my youngest will actually get in the water this year. It will make everything a little more enjoyable.

Well, I am sure that everyone else feels the same as I do. Just think, this time next week we will all be least for this semester :) I hope that you will have a great summer as well!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Dead Man on Motorcycle

I don't know if any of you will agree with me at the end of this post, but I found this appalling. I found this at CNN. A 22 year old man had recently passed away, and for his funeral he was posed on his motorcycle...yes I said a dead man was placed on a motorcycle just like he was a statue. Some people might say that this is what he and his family wanted, but I find it too much. I think that there are some lines that should not be crossed, and this is one of them. This is not the first time that this same funeral home has done something to this effect. On another occasion they posed a man standing against a wall. This was completely up to the deceased and his family, but I think that maybe there needs to be some guidelines put into play. I just think that it is degrading.

Another thing that was talked about in this video was the different types of caskets that can be made according to what you want. I think that this might be a better choice if you are wanting something to help personalize your funeral, but there were some that were still questionable for me. I mean who wants to be buried in a coke bottle or a shoe...a little crazy if you ask me.

After watching this video, I was curious to see if there were other strange ways that people would choose to bury themselves. It turns up there are many. This site shows 8 unconventional ways to bury a deceased. From a few examples of turning the carbon from humans into a diamond ring or turning the carbon into a set of pencils, to turning their ashes into fireworks and shooting them off into the sky. I guess some people want to be creative, but this is just not for me.

So after watching and reading about this new information, I would like to know what everybody else thought about these different ways of celebrating someones life they lived here on earth. Do you agree or disagree? I think that it would be interesting to see all of the different responses.

Trash to Treasure

Yes I am posting this a little late but here it is. I am having a rummage sale tomorrow, May 1st, during the Seneca City Wide. Since the town has only one main street that goes through, I am sure you will be able to find Anyway, I have a ton of little girl clothes from size 3 months up to size 6, and little boy clothes from size 3 months up to size 2. There are plenty of toys, a toddler bed, some high chairs (they need a little TLC, but still usable), and much more. In the spirit of this post I thought I would share some good things about turning someone else's junk into your treasure.

I like to find old things and make them new. I would love it even more if I had more time, but that is besides the point. My favorite is old furniture. You can do so much with a cool piece of furniture, some paint, and a few tools and accessories. I am getting ready to turn an old desk into a masterpiece for my daughter. Instead of spending $150 for a new one, I will only spend about $40, and it will be custom just for her. Now I am not an artist, so if you are thinking that you can't do something like are wrong. It just takes a little practice, and most of the time I like my mess-ups more than what I had planned anyway.

If you are stuck on ideas, here are a few suggestions. This site has 6 ways to take things and use them as something else. My favorite is turning an old door into a table. You can even turn an old door into a picture holder, it's so cute. This site shows you how to use old license plate covers for magazine holders. They would be great for a boys room. Plus it is from HGTV, so what is not to love. This site is actually advertising their craft store, but you can get some good ideas at just looking. That is how I get a lot of my ideas by just looking at different pictures and putting them all together.

Now that your creative juices are flowing, get out there and make a masterpiece. Oh and don't forget to come tomorrow!! :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Opinion on Divorce ( I know this might be a touchy subject, but just remember that this is just my opinion)

One of my friends just recently went through a nasty divorce. It has been very hard on her and the kids. We all tell her that she will be okay in time, but we also know that these words won't heal the present. I thought that I would give a little bit of my own opinion on divorce, and also share some other things that I came across.

In my opinion, I think that divorce is way too easy now. I think that instead of people meaning what they say when their vows are spoken, instead they just speak them because that is what you do at your wedding. There are too many people with the mind set of, if this doesn't work out then we can just get a divorce. The percentage of marriages that end up in divorce in the United States is 54.8%. I think that this is very sad, especially compared to the many other countries listed. If you want to compare them check it out here. Maybe I am just old school, but I think that once you say I do, it should be for good.

I do believe there are some cases in which divorce could be an option. I don't believe that it should be made when a little stress starts coming into your marriage. Lets face it, everyone is going to have a little stress every once in a while. It is just our nature. This site states some really good ways in dealing with common stresses in a marriage: medical, financial, or psychological are a few. The best advice that I think can be given is how communication is key to a successful marriage. Don't just keep blaming each other. Talk about it and try to come up with the best solution. Like I said before, we are all selfish by nature, so learning to control this emotion will help in all areas of our life.

The worst thing that comes with divorce is how it hurts and destroys children. This has been true to every divorced family that I know personally. If a child is being mentally or physically abused, then I feel that divorce might be the only option. Other reasons for divorce, most of the time leave children feeling scared and confused. A lot of the times children feel like they are the reason for their parents splitting, when it is not at all. They can't understand why their family can't be together anymore.

I think that by reading this post, everyone knows where I stand on the topic of divorce. However, if divorce is going to be an option for you or someone that you know, and kids are involved, I hope that this site can help. There are some good tips that would help the children understand a little better.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Will this tunnel ever end??

Today I reminded myself of the extremely long tunnel that I am going through, and yes I am still at the beginning where the light is not in site. I am referring to how many more years that still need completed in order for me to receive my degree. Everyone keeps saying I will get there, and I know that I will, but my goodness it is taking forever! I wish that I had an easy button, anyone else feel the same It has been going too slow though, so I thought that next semester I would take on a couple more classes. Even though I promised myself a break, I think a couple of summer classes would help as well. There are a couple that don' t sound too awful. The only thing that is keeping me going is the reward I will receive in the end...a wonderful job that I have always wanted and a chance to help out my family with a little more income.

My degree is in elementary education with an early childhood emphasis. I would love to be able to teach kindergarten. I think that it is a very rewarding job and I also feel that it is what I am geared for. I have never desired another career. I love every aspect of this job, except the pay. Does anyone else agree that teachers are not payed enough? I know that this subject is always talked about, but I do believe that it is a little low. If I remain in this area where I live now, my starting pay will be around $29,000 to $31,000 a year. Like most jobs, pay increases as the years go on. If I stay in this area the average pay would be $39,000 to $41,000 a year. This is not a bad salary, especially looking at all of the good incentives for becoming a teacher. The wonderful children in which you get to touch their lives, my summers off, great job for someone with their own children, and many more. I am not looking for a huge increase, but I do believe that as the economy starts to rise, teachers should get a little extra. I guess one thing I could do is move to Connecticut or!

I guess to sum it all up, my career is at the end of a tunnel at which the light is not yet shining, and once I get there my pockets will still be empty :) Even though I agree with raising teacher salaries, money isn't everything. The way I am looking at it, if I had that little extra money, it would be gone as well. Money doesn't buy happiness, and even if a teacher's salary started at $15,000, I would probably still be pursuing my dream.