Thursday, May 6, 2010


It is finally here...the end of the semester! I am so excited to finally be finished with everything. This semester has been more of a struggle for me to get motivated than past semesters, so I decided to take the summer off. Hopefully I will be ready to roll when fall gets here, which is going to be a whole new experience in itself.

Ever since I first started taking my classes at MSSU, I have taken them online. Since I had a family to look after, I needed that convenience. Now I am getting into my education classes and I will be returning to campus. This leaves me with very mixed feelings; scared, nervous, exciting... I have not been in an actual classroom setting for 7 years! What should I expect walking back in, a 25 year old sitting in a class with a bunch of teeny boppers... lol. Yes, I can only imagine all of them looking at the "non trad" and laughing inside. What is she doing in here, shouldn't she be done by now?? Anyway, I am ready for the challenge. Bring it on!

What comes before the fall school year though? SUMMER!! I can't wait. My first exciting experience this summer will be taking place in Kaui, Hawaii, and it is going to take place in only 16 days. I have never been more ready. I am not going to lie...I already have some stuff packed and ready to go :) Yeah I know, a little early right. Better to be safe then sorry. My kids are excited as well. My oldest daughter has her count down going and she is anxiously awaiting.

The next exciting summer experience will backyard! I can't wait to just sit and relax while the kids are running around in the water. It sounds completely satisfying to me.

Of course with summer comes the 4th of July, which I love. There is always so much fun stuff to do all day long. There is also the trips to the ballpark, my kids are playing t-ball, and it's quite hysterical. Who knew that the entire team could go and get the ball when it is hit? Obviously our team knows this rule. Another great summer joy is the swimming pool. I am in hopes that my youngest will actually get in the water this year. It will make everything a little more enjoyable.

Well, I am sure that everyone else feels the same as I do. Just think, this time next week we will all be least for this semester :) I hope that you will have a great summer as well!!


  1. I am definitely ready for summer. This is my first simester back to college in 7 years. My son is also ready for summer. This is his first year of school. We are looking forward to spending our weekends at the lake fishing and swimming. Enjoy your vacation and have a great summer.

  2. I am so ready for summer as well. I've been doing online classes, due to having a baby, who is 1 now, and i will be on campus again doing education, so maybe we will have some classes together. I don't know anyone here, so maybe we will go into it together since we both have the same major. :)

  3. Sounds like you have a great summer planned! Hawaii! That will be so much fun for you and your family. Good luck getting your youngest in the water this year! Also, I'm sure that you will do just fine getting back into the classroom. Maybe you'll even find it more enjoyable than taking online classes! Good luck! :)

  4. Yes! Summer will be nice indeed. Though I will be taking some summer courses myself so I can be done with my cores, and hopefully finish next year. I do not think you need to worry much about going back into classes. There are actually a fair amount of nontraditionals on campus, and a majority of students are commuters. Also, I know a few people that are education majors, and though they are a little quirky they are nice people. Actually, one of my classes has people from 18 to middle age, and I would say it is the funnest class I am taking this semester because we all get along.
