Friday, March 5, 2010

Forecast = Bright + Sunny

Can I just say... I LoVe ThIs WeAtHeR!!! I am so excited about being able to walk outside and not having to wear a coat. No more starting the car 10 min before I have to leave. This feels great! Lets just hope that it is here to stay.

Warm weather just brings out the best in people, or that is what I think. In the last couple of days, since it has been nice outside, I have had more people call just to say hey. More people have had smiles on their faces. It has just been a very pleasant experience. I can also now wash my car and not worry about the nasty snowy mess getting back on it by the time I get back home. Don't forget about the kids getting to play outside, and the husband getting to go outside and start the yard work. Yes, I did say "get" to. I just love it.

Another reason I am loving this warm weather, is the fact that it means just one step closer to the trip to Hawaii! I can't wait, it's going to be soooo much fun. My kids have not yet been to a beach and I am super excited that they are going to get to experience that. The plane ride, on the other hand, might be a different story. If anyone has ideas on things to bring on a plane for 4 kids under the age of 6, PLEASE post. We will see how it goes.

Warm weather also means summer, which means I get to take a break from school. I usually don't mind taking a couple of summer classes, but for some reason I am needing a break this time. During this break there will be a lot of laying back and relaxing. It might be by the pool, it might be in my backyard, but wherever it is I will be doing just that.

I suppose that everyone has probably heard enough of how much I love warmer weather. How much do you love it?


  1. I am also excited about the weather. I am hoping to take the kids fishing and get started redoing my garden this weekend. I might also have a BBQ.

  2. I could not agree more! The weather has been awesome. I hope that you and your family enjoy your trip, and you might want to try some colors or let them watch a movie on the plane.
