Friday, March 19, 2010

Teachers are Great!!

I have always had a passion for working with children. I have taught preschool in the past and my major is in elementary education, so I tend to favor teachers and what they do anyway. This semester I am favoring them even more. All of my teachers this semester have been very understanding and generous to say the least. Not only is Ms. Chism dropping the last paper, she is also extending paper 3. I was dreading taking my Eng 271 class because of what I had heard, but it turns out that it has been one of my favorites, and she as well has made changes in our favor. I get to drop a test in another class, and my fourth one is just interesting. I think that it is safe to say that I have been incredibly lucky so far, and a big THANKS to all!

I stated before that I loved teaching. I think that it is very rewarding when a child realizes that they can accomplish something new. I am so looking forward to the day that I can start being a part of this experience. For me, kindergarten is the grade that is most desirable to teach. My husband says that it is because I am a child at heart and that I can relate to them easily. As much as I hate to agree with him, it is probably the truth. I just think that it is amazing how much these young children can learn. It is such a transformation from the beginning of the school year to the end, and they actually want and love to learn. They haven't yet entered the I don't want to go to school faze.

I have to admit that another reason I think it would be great to be a teacher is the summer time off. I mean, who doesn't envy a teacher when they drive by on their way to work and Ms. Smith is loading up the car for a day of play. Ok, maybe Dr. Johnson who makes an extra digit, but that does not Another reason it would be good for me to have summer's off is the fact that I have my own classroom of kids at home. It will be great not worrying about trying to find a babysitter all summer for the kiddos.

Overall, I feel that teaching is a great occupation, and for me it's the best. A long overdue Thank You goes out to all of the teachers who are ready to inspire our future generations!
Thank You!!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Birthday Parties = Stress

The words birthday party and stress should always be used in the same sentence. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love birthday parties. I love to see the smiles on my kids' faces when it is their day, and I love how happy it makes them when they get to pick out everything they want to do for their party. They feel so grown up. I don't, however, like all of the stress that comes with planning the party. The link above is a great article on ways to help reduce stress. It first explains that it is best to prepare for the worst. The worst probably won't happen, but it is better to have prepared just in case. Then there are some great ideas on how to prepare effectively. One of my favorite ideas from this article was to limit the number of kids that come. One of the guidelines they used for this suggestion was to allow one child per each year of the child's age. I thought this was a great idea. This will be more cost effective and it will lessen the chaos.

Another stress that comes along with birthday parties is trying to find the perfect gift for your child. I have learned from experience that the most expensive or biggest present doesn't mean that it is going to be the best. Really take time to think about what your child loves to do. My daughter loves to write and draw. Anything with scissors, glue, colors, glitter, etc. is right up her alley. Her favorite present last year from her father and I was a giant coloring and activity book. We bought a few extra supplies so that she could come up with new creations, but the entire present only cost us $20. She still mentions how much she loves it. Another good gift is to have something personalized. My daughter received a pillowcase with her name embroidered on it and she loves it. Another idea we like to do is personalizing art supplies. They get excited when they see their name on the gift, which let's them realize that it is all about them on their special day. This is a good website for personalized gifts, but remember you can also do it yourself. We had a friend of ours make the name puzzle stool and it was much more cost effective. Just remember, the sky is the limit.

Another stress that comes with birthday parties is the clean up afterwards. Sometimes it seems like you are the only one left picking up the empty plates and sweeping the floors. One good suggestion is to have the kids help with the cleanup. Make it a game. Girls love to have princess parties, and who better to have as a character then Cinderella. Cinderella's mean stepsister's always made her clean everything. Tell the kids that she needs help. Bring out a large trash can so they can throw everything away. Have a few small brooms and mops out so that they can help with the floor. You will be surprised at how many kids actually like to clean when they think that it is a game. They also like rewards, so tell them that they get a prize fit for a princess when the mess is clean (this is a great time to hand out the party favor bags). For more Cinderella party ideas, visit this website. For boys, tell them that they are dinosaurs. They can pick up all the trash with those large claw hands you can find at the dollar store. This can be used as one of the party favors that they get to take home as well.

Hopefully this has helped ease some of the stress that comes along with throwing a birthday party. I know that I have found some great ideas! Good Luck!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Airplane tips cont....

Motion sickness was something that I was worried about. There a lot of things out there that can help with this. It is better for a child to be sucking during tAkeoff so giving a baby a bottle is good. A young child can chew gum or have a sucker. There are even suckers that have something in them to help with motion sickness.
After finding these websites, I am a little more prepared for this next adventure, but only our own experience will tell all. Hawaii here we come!

Airplane tips for children

I posted a thread last week and said that I was getting ready to go to Hawaii with four Kids and I needed some tips
for the airplane ride. Well I did some research and found some really good tips that I thought I would share with you. The first o e came from this website. This website has a car seat harness made just for an airplane. It is very lightweight and easy to stuff into a carry on bag. I was so excited when I found this I went to buy it and then found out that it was $75.
For someone who travels frequently it would be great, but it is not for me. If only there was a less expensive version.

The next website that I found useful was this one. This website had good ideas of how to keep your kids occupied. From what to bring and what to feed them there are many things to consider that I would have not thought of. I will be bringing the batteries needed for all games. I will also be bringing blankets since it is very cold. Another thing that was mentioned was the usual coloring books, activities, and crayons. The unique way to store these things were what amazed me. It's great!

The last website that was helpful was this one.
Well I am so excited about the gift that Ms Chism gave us, but I am not so exxcited about posting my entire blog on an iPhone. I am completely serious. I am sitting at buffalo wild wings with my husband and doing homework. The downside of this is how hard it is to type 500 words on the smallest keyboard ever. It is very distracting and taking up a lot more time. The upside is that I am getting it done and it is helping me to realize the importAnce of not waiting until the last minute. Which leads me to my next topic of getting blogs done before Friday from now on.

I have not been good at getting these blogs done until the last minute on Friday. It wasn't that big of an issue for me because my
mind set was if I don't get it done it won't matter. Well now it does since there is an incentive, and trust me I do not want to do the last research paper. I would rather have extra time to study for tests that are harder for me.

I will definitely post my blogs before I have to post them with the iPhone. Let's talk about the iPhone for a while. When my husband first Asked I'd I wanted one, I told him no. Now that he has one I wish that I would have said yes. It has been a good investment. We have been able to find restauraunts when we were out of town. We have been able to get directions when we were lost. It is also nice to keep the kids occupied while waiting. They love to play the games. I have to admit that I catch myself playing the games as well. Most importantly, I have been able to post a blog when I thought there was no hope.

Take my advice, Holly is not kidding when she says to get things done ahead of time and give yourself a break. I am taking her suggestions and I hope that you do the same. Thank you Holly Chism for the great gift, and let's get these blogs rolling.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Forecast = Bright + Sunny

Can I just say... I LoVe ThIs WeAtHeR!!! I am so excited about being able to walk outside and not having to wear a coat. No more starting the car 10 min before I have to leave. This feels great! Lets just hope that it is here to stay.

Warm weather just brings out the best in people, or that is what I think. In the last couple of days, since it has been nice outside, I have had more people call just to say hey. More people have had smiles on their faces. It has just been a very pleasant experience. I can also now wash my car and not worry about the nasty snowy mess getting back on it by the time I get back home. Don't forget about the kids getting to play outside, and the husband getting to go outside and start the yard work. Yes, I did say "get" to. I just love it.

Another reason I am loving this warm weather, is the fact that it means just one step closer to the trip to Hawaii! I can't wait, it's going to be soooo much fun. My kids have not yet been to a beach and I am super excited that they are going to get to experience that. The plane ride, on the other hand, might be a different story. If anyone has ideas on things to bring on a plane for 4 kids under the age of 6, PLEASE post. We will see how it goes.

Warm weather also means summer, which means I get to take a break from school. I usually don't mind taking a couple of summer classes, but for some reason I am needing a break this time. During this break there will be a lot of laying back and relaxing. It might be by the pool, it might be in my backyard, but wherever it is I will be doing just that.

I suppose that everyone has probably heard enough of how much I love warmer weather. How much do you love it?

Kids and Television

Do kids watch too much tv? I know its an old issue, but I think that it's a good one. So exactly how much is too much? According to this website, children under 2 should not watch any television and children 2 and over need only 1 to 2 hours a day. I think that 2 hours a day is a good number to go by, although I have to admit that I let my children watch about 3-4 hours of television as of right now. It's cold outside, I am doing schoolwork, and all the toys and games in the house just seem to be too boring I guess. I have given in to this easy substitution, and after I get done writing this I am taking the kids out to play. I feel guilty for letting them watch this much television, and not playing with them. Honestly, they are only little once and the chance that they will want to play with me in a few years is slim to none.

Another reason I feel guilty for letting them watch this much tv, is the fact that it is not healthy. It has been shown that kids who watch too much tv are more at risk to become overweight. They don't want to get up and do the physical activities that will keep them healthy. This website shares some good ideas on things to do with your children other than watching television. Be creative, and your child will love whatever it is you are doing. It is new and exciting for them. One of the things that my children love to do on an inside day is play with shaving cream. They get to spread it all over the table and draw in it. It is a great way to teach shapes and letters, and also helps them to learn to write their name. They don't know that they are learning all of these things, they just think that it is fun. Clean up is easy too, because they like to do it. Give them a couple of paper towels and let them go. Your job just got easier.
Watching too much tv takes place of the other important things that they could be doing. Reading and using their imaginations is much more important.

Older children like to watch tv also, and it might be harder to try and get them to not watch a show that they just think that they have to see. Set some guidelines. If they want to watch a certain show, let them watch it, but let them know that they have a time limit. When they make it to the limit, the tv goes off. It is also not good to put a tv in a child's bedroom. It is not easy for a parent to regulate how much they are watching if it is in their room. There are some other good guidelines to follow here.

I know that I have been guilty of letting my children watch too much tv here lately, but we are getting out of that rut today. Let's keep our children healthy. Anyway, deep down everyone knows that they love to play princess and castles or dungeons and dragons, no matter how old they really are.