Friday, February 5, 2010

Not enough time in a day.....

Do you ever feel like the days just keep getting faster and faster? I keep telling myself that there will be more time, or if I can just get this done first then I can work on completing the other. This is definitely how this week has felt for me, and today was by far the worst. I mean, it is already 11:45 on Friday and I am just now writing my first post of the week.

I woke up this morning with bright plans ahead to catch up on all of my homework. The oldest is off to school and her siblings are fed. Off to a great start right....not hardly. I think that I have been in homework denial all week, and today was not an exception. My husband decided to take the day off, so he wanted to sleep in. That sounded pretty good to me too. Thank goodness for big beds because after breakfast my husband, three kids, and I all decided to climb back in and pop in a movie. An hour passes and kids are ready to play, so we all crawl slowly out of bed (again). I log on to the computer and find myself checking my mail, updating a status, and looking at the next weather forecast. I have yet to open blackboard. I get a knock at the door and someone is here to pick up some furniture they bought from me. Yay! I finally get to clear this stuff out of my house. We talk for a while and then load it into the car. I look at the clock and decide that it is definitely time I need to get started on homework, but the kids are getting hungry again. So off to the kitchen to make lunch. While I am in the kitchen, I realize that the laundry is piled a little too high. I have to get the laundry done, because with 4 kids and a husband there is never time for a break in laundry. I load the washer and start folding when I hear another knock at the door. It was my best friend from high school. Another Yay!!!! I haven't talked to her in a while, so of course we sat for 2 hours and did nothing but catch up, and yes she gets to go on vacation in 2 days while I am stuck here. Anyway, she had to leave and I had more laundry, and then the phone rang. My daughter's designated after school driver, whom I thank every day for picking up my daughter for me so I don't have to get the little ones out, called to ask if I could pick her and her son up today. Well, of course I can because she does it for me every day. I needed to pick up a few things from the store for dinner anyway. So the kids are picked up and I am back at home when I realize that I forgot to go to the store. It's a good thing my husband took off work. I finally finish the laundry and get dinner started when my baby sister walks in. Yes, another Yay!!! She has not been over in a month, and that is forever for us. Then I remember why she is there. I told her I would go to the game with her tonight, and I can't tell her no, so back to town we go. Three hours later I find myself back at home with a chapter to read in biology with a quiz due, a short story I still haven't read, 3 tapes of psych to watch, and 2 blog posts that I haven't started. On top of it all, I find out that the tests I thought that were in 2 weeks are actually in less than 1.

I think that I have learned a HUGE lesson this week on procrastination. Never again will I let myself get this far behind, ever! It was very stressful and double the effort. Hopefully I can get caught up and enjoy the time I have left over to spend it with my babies. Like I said before, the days keep getting faster and faster, even if you are on top your game.


  1. I completely understand how you feel. I'm not much of a procrastinator because I know that once I start putting things off it just sort of snowballs. Sometimes though I cant help but wonder how so many responsibilities pile up so quickly. For me this has been one very stressful week. Between working 20 hours a week, going to class another 20 hours a week (counting labs),spending time with my family and yes doing lots laundry it doesn't leave much time for homework. This week alone I have the 5 page paper for this class, the 2 posts, the 2 replies, the 3 workshops, organic chemistry labs, homework assignments, and test, genetics labs and test and reading for biomedical ethics. I feel like there is not enough of me to go around. I really wonder how we are supposed to do it all? I try to look on the bright side and recruit family members and my boyfriend to help me out and that does go a long way. The only other thing I know is to master the art of multitasking do homework while fixing supper, study for the test while folding laundry and put an end to "me time" till find some time. Thank goodness for the summer months I guess.

  2. I would say WELCOME TO MY LIFE AS WELL BUT.... You have 3 extra kids than me! Stay focused, organize your week/weekends and do not procrastinate AGAIN! GOOD LUCK THIS SEMESTER! :)

  3. I know what you mean. I have 3 kids myself, and I just started doing my homework for this week today. I had a Psychology exam yesterday (thursday) so i was fully focused on it, and didn't get anything else done. But learning from our mistakes is good, so at least you are now prepared for next week.
