Friday, January 29, 2010

Freezing, Frigid, Cold......No More!

There are several people in my life that enjoy this blustery cold weather, but I am not one of them! I can't wait for the sun to be shining down on a 70 degree day. Don't get me wrong, I love to go skiing in Colorado where it is cold, but that is just it, I get to leave! There it is a vacation, here it is a pain in the you know what.

I bet you have guessed already that this is an I hate cold weather rant, so here goes. The first thing that I hate about cold weather is the depressing feeling that I get. It just brings down my mood. I also don't like the fact that I can't just go somewhere when I want. This is talking about the ice and snow. If I want to go to the store, I can't. I have to wait for someone to clear the way, and speaking of someone clearing the way, my husband has to do that. So, not only is it nasty cold outside, but my husband can't be at home with me because he is pushing the stuff off the roads. Wow, I just realized that I really don't like cold!

Another thing that cold weather brings is a bigger me. Yes, I don't like that I can sit and eat all day and not even know that I am doing it. When it's time to get on the scale there are 5 pounds added and I can't figure out how. Then I think of all the many times I was just eating here and there to pass time, because I can't go outside to do anything due to Jack Frost. This also means that the kiddos can't go outside either, so their energy gets so bottled up that they explode. They also believe that every toy in the house has to be drug out. I think that little girls wake up every morning and decide that they are going to try and get out more barbies and more clothes and more food and more makeup get the picture. Cold weather just brings out more toys in the house, which leads to more work for me in the end.

I could probably go on and on about other things that I dread about cold weather, but I think that I might need a longer day for that. Snow is beautiful (in Colorado), but here at home I just want those days that are nice and sunny. I am so ready for that. So goodbye cold nasty winter and hello summer.......wherever you are!


  1. I completely agree! I hate the cold. Time to move some place warm.

  2. I also agree with you. I hate the cold. I hate the wet cold I hate it all. I decided when I win the lottery I am definetly vacationing somewhere warm for the whole winter. I count the days til the warm sun kisses my skin again!

  3. I would much rather be fishing at the lake than shoveling off my driveway again! But, you can't tell me you wouldn't miss an ocasional white christmas.

  4. As long as it is just on Christmas!!! :)
